Monday, January 11, 2016

Sara 1/50

Hey, everyone. I have not finished my 1/50 yet. In fact I started this book a while ago and I need to discpline myself to finish it. It's not that it's not awesome or captivating, I just find that my spare time is taken up with other things. Either way. Just thought I would give a little update:

I am currently reading I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. The young Pakistani girl who was shot in the face by the Taliban and who went on to continue her campaign for female education in her home country and region. Right now what I am loving about this book is not only Malala, but her father, as well. He is a very poor man, came from nothing, and yet was probably the biggest advocate for women's education in their country; started and built schools and continues to fight very hard for equal educational opportunities for women.  And I love reading about how much he loves his daughter; something most men in that area of the world do not talk about, let alone feel!!! So I will let you know what I think of it. It's great so far.

 I also bought three new books today from Amazon:
Year of Yes; By Shonda Rhimes - Everyone has been talking about it. I have been wanting to get it for a while
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead - Brene Brown  
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear - Elizabeth Gilbert (She wrote EAT PRAY LOVE)

So as you all can see I am sort of on this path of discovery right now. Trying to navigate through these thoughts and questions of how I can live my creative life fully and most truthfully! ~Sara


  1. I've got Brene Brown on my to-do list, too. I love all the positive energy you've gathered in this assembly of powerful women!

  2. Sara, I've got Big Magic on my desk right now, and have been working through it for several months (I wonder if it still counts towards the 50 if I didn't start it this year?) (also, it hasn't taken months to read because it's bad, I just have gotten distracted and the book lends itself well (due to nicely contained sections) to taking in small morsels). Liz Gilbert just feels good to read. I adore her recent novel, The Signature of All Things. That is one I couldn't put down at all.

  3. I read Big Magic this summer, as part of a lovely morning ritual involving tea and breakfast and a 15 minute hourglass full of bright yellow sand that my husband gave me as a gift. I second Chelsea - Liz Gilbert is warm, gentle company to be in.
