Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Little House on the Stress Reading

Books 8, 9, 10, 11/ 50

Farmer Boy
By the Shores of Silver Lake
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years

I don't really think rereads should count but this will be known as the 12 weeks of my life that were so stressful that a critical release became keeping a Little House book close at hand. 

I've read all of them at least six times a piece (if not way more) so I can keep one of these next to the bed and scan a chapter while half asleep. Low commitment reading at it's finest. 

Between planning/throwing two fundraisers, submitting three grants, designing two separate products to be delivered at the same time, planning/executing my sister's bachelorette party/bridal shower, actually having the wedding, and traveling cross country in a truck, my brain is a fried egg. Therefore I defer to Laura Ingalls Wilder for comforting chapters about holiday meals, sewing Christmas stockings and the big spelling bee at school.

Simpler times. 


  1. Congrats on getting through the stress! I always think about Ma's tiny waist and the girls making maple syrup candy on snow. When I read the series I skipped Farmer Boy because it had "boy" in the title so I thought, "nah, that's not for me." ( !?)

  2. Carie, ditto Farmer Boy. Still haven't read it.

    I think about corncob dolls, cousin Charlie who was stung by hornets (cue paralyzing childhood fear of hornets), Mary's blindness (cue paralyzing childhood fear of scarlet fever). The last three sentences of "Little House in the Big Woods" is a top contender for my very favorite book endings.

  3. I reread those in stressful months earlier this year! I haven't been including rereads on my count (a bad strategy, maybe, as I'd be a good 15 books ahead of where I am), but yes, sometimes it's absolutely necessary. And the more time I spend gardening in the midwest, the more amazed I am that anyone managed to come here with small children and carve life and sustenance out of this soil.

  4. Y'all I actually seriously recommend Farmer Boy--it's one of my favorite in the series. The book is like 40% food porn, 20% horse porn and 40% scamp boy behavior. It's a treat.

    Mr. Edwards crossing a swollen river to bring the girls Christmas presents will go down as the moment I realized that I got way too many Christmas presents.
